Tesla’s Cybertruck production ramp hits +1,000/week for 4680 batteries.

Tesla’s 4680 production ramp has reached over 1,000 units per week, marking an increase of approximately 18%-20%, or about 7GWh per year compared to Q4 2023. During a recent call, an inquiry was made about how close Tesla is to achieving its target yields and when it plans to accelerate incremental capacity expansions on the 4680 cell.

Elon Musk pointed out that the current 4680 ramp is closely linked to the ramp for the Cybertruck. He emphasized that Tesla does not intend to produce 4680 cells when there is no infrastructure in place to accommodate them.

Shreyas Patil from Wolfe Research raised the question of whether Tesla had considered selling some 4680 cells to other automakers. Musk responded by highlighting a notable decline in battery orders from other automakers, leading to much more competitive prices from suppliers.

This availability of excess capacity among suppliers has resulted in significantly more competitive prices compared to the past.

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