Tesla community unites to grant final wish of terminally ill Cybertruck enthusiast

For some customers who ordered the Cybertruck years ago, it may still be a while before they can actually receive their vehicle. This was the case for one Cybertruck reservation holder who found himself in a time crunch. He had been diagnosed with terminal cancer and given a short timeframe of 3-12 months to live. Due to his diagnosis, he decided to cancel his Cybertruck reservation. However, he still wanted to experience the vehicle in some way.

He turned to the Tesla subreddit for help and received a positive response from fellow EV enthusiasts. Some members and even a moderator offered to pass along his story to someone at Tesla. Fortunately, an update to the story revealed that things worked out for the best. The Wisconsin-based Tesla fan was able to go to a big parking lot and experience the Cybertruck firsthand, thanks to the assistance of a Tesla employee named Steven Dang. The images shared by the fan showed that it was a very positive experience for everyone involved.

This type of special effort from Tesla for its most dedicated fans is not uncommon. In a similar instance back in 2017, the Tesla community came together to help a terminally ill man and Model 3 reservation holder fulfill his dream of experiencing the all-electric sedan. The man received his Model 3 early, and a large group of Tesla staff made his delivery day as special as possible. It was quite significant at the time, as he became one of the first non-employee recipients of the Model 3. During his visit to the Fremont Factory for a test drive, he even had the opportunity to meet Chief Designer and Tesla CEO Elon Musk for a few minutes.

Overall, this story highlights how Tesla goes above and beyond to create memorable experiences for its fans. It also showcases the strong community of Tesla enthusiasts who are willing to support and help each other.

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