Tesla Giga Berlin’s expansion plan continues to be a controversial issue in Grunheide.

Tesla Giga Berlin’s revised expansion plan has sparked division in Grünheide, despite the company’s recent approval from local officials. Eleven out of 19 people voted in favor of Tesla’s Urban Development Contract, allowing the construction of the urgently needed Tesla freight station. Prime Minister Woidke expressed support for the decision. However, the approval of Tesla Giga Berlin’s expansion plans has not been met with universal celebration.

In February 2024, residents expressed concerns through a citizen survey, leading some to call for another survey on the topic. Originally, Tesla planned to clear 100 hectares of forests near Giga Berlin, but after the citizen survey, the company revised its plans to clear only 50 hectares. Additionally, it will build its own freight station on the expansion site. Despite these revisions, residents remain dissatisfied with their representatives’ approval.

As a result, they have chosen to continue their opposition to Tesla Giga Berlin’s expansion plans along with environmental groups.

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