Neuralink patient in human trial shares progress

Arbaugh expressed gratitude for the opportunities provided by the Neuralink’s PRIME Study, which allowed him to engage in activities he had been unable to do for 8 years. He found the previous methods of using assistive technology, such as a tablet stylus operated by a mouth stick, to be uncomfortable and restrictive. These methods required him to sit upright and caused discomfort, muscle fatigue, and pressure sores.

In contrast, the Neuralink implant allowed Arbaugh to use digital devices comfortably in a relaxed position, providing him with more independence and reducing the need for constant assistance. Neuralink has initiated a clinical trial to enable individuals with quadriplegia to control digital devices, with the goal of increasing their independence and reducing isolation and financial challenges. The company reports that nearly 180,000 Americans live with quadriplegia, highlighting the potential impact of their technology.

The initial results of the PRIME Study have been positive for Arbaugh, showcasing the potential benefits for individuals living with quadriplegia.

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