Xiaomi boosts SU7 sedan supply chain orders by 80%, according to report.

Xiaomi has entered the electric vehicle market with a strong momentum but is facing challenges due to the high demand for its first model, the SU7 all-electric sedan. Recent reports indicate that the company is struggling to keep up with the demand and is facing difficulties in securing parts for the SU7. As a result, the wait time for orders has increased significantly, with some variants of the SU7 having a wait time of up to 37 weeks.

According to supply chain sources, Xiaomi’s EV unit is working to address the supply chain issues, with orders to some suppliers reportedly increasing by 80%. The company’s CEO, in a post on Weibo last month, suggested that customers consider other options such as the Luxeed S7, Nio ET5, and the Xpeng P7 if they need an all-electric sedan quickly. The increasing demand for the SU7 has posed a significant challenge for Xiaomi, with the company acknowledging the need for customers to explore alternative options in the market.

The company is actively working to address the supply chain constraints and ensure a smoother experience for its customers. Overall, Xiaomi’s foray into the electric vehicle market has garnered significant interest but is also presenting challenges related to meeting the high demand for its products. The company is navigating these challenges and working towards resolving the supply chain issues to better meet customer needs.

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