Tesla’s Full Self-Driving appears to be moving closer to its launch in China.

Tesla seems to be making progress towards launching Full Self-Driving (FSD) in China, as indicated by the appearance of some wording in employee vehicles after a recent update. Following the Spring Update, reports confirm the appearance of the words “Employee FSD Beta Program: Registered” on an employee’s vehicle in China. However, despite the reference, no FSD (Supervised) features have been enabled in the vehicle yet.

There are also reports suggesting that Tesla is planning to utilize a data processing center in China to assist in training its FDS system as it becomes available in the country. As of now, it remains unclear when Tesla intends to launch FSD in China, but with recent removal of government barriers, it appears that this launch could be on the horizon in the near future. Reference: Tesla looks to rebuild Autopilot, self-driving, robotics departments after layoffs.

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