Tesla Cybertruck races full quarter mile while towing Porsche 911 against another 911.

During the Tesla Cybertruck’s first delivery event, Elon Musk showcased a video of the all-electric pickup truck racing and winning against a base Porsche 911 in a drag race — while it was towing another Porsche 911. The video was an incredible demonstration of the Cybertruck’s performance, though avid industry watchers later questioned the EV maker’s demonstration. Jason Fenske of YouTube’s channel pointed out that Tesla seems to have run a 1/8 mile race against the Porsche 911 in its demonstration video, rather than a full 1/4 mile as claimed. These comments resulted in Tesla’s Cybertruck demonstration receiving criticism.

The motoring publication tested the Cybertruck against the Porsche 911 to determine if it could indeed triumph in a race while towing another Porsche 911. The results of the publication’s tests were intriguing. Tesla achieved a 7.808s 1/8th mile time, outperforming the Porsche. In a video by *MotorTrend*, the Cybertruck and the Porsche 911 engaged in a series of drag races.

The all-electric pickup truck completed the 1/8th mile in 8.137 seconds, while the sports car finished in 8.239 seconds. The Porsche 911 won the subsequent races at the 1/8th mile mark and across three quarter-mile races. The closest the Cybertruck came to the 911 was in the first race, with a quarter-mile time of 12.749 seconds versus the 911’s 12.5 seconds. There was an underlying assumption that the video showed the best run, but according to the Tesla Lead Cybertruck Engineer, it was not the case.

However, simulations run by the electric vehicle maker showed that the full 1/4 mile race would be close with the same net result.

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