Protest camp at Tesla Giga Berlin granted permit for extended duration

Tesla Giga Berlin’s treehouse campers have been granted a permit to prolong their protest against the expansion of the factory. These protesters have constructed treehouses in the forest area where Tesla intends to expand its operations, with the aim of halting the company’s tree-cutting plans. The campers hope their presence will prevent Tesla from cutting down additional trees and expanding Giga Berlin. This decision follows a legal clash between the protesters and local authorities.

The Potsdam Administrative Court ruled in favor of the protesters in the initial complaint, and the Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative (OVG) Court has recently rejected the restrictions that the police sought to impose on the treehouse protesters. Originally scheduled to conclude on May 20, 2024, the treehouse protest has now been granted an extension due to the recent permit. This means that the Giga Berlin treehouse campers will be staying longer in their efforts to impede Tesla’s expansion plans. Notably, Grünheide representatives and officials have recently approved Tesla Giga Berlin’s revised expansion plans.

Whereas Tesla’s original project would have required the felling of 100 trees, the revised plans indicate a reduction to 50 trees.

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