Elon Musk Considered Top Choice for Donald Trump’s Potential Re-election

Elon Musk has denied any discussions about potentially taking on a role in a Trump Presidency, according to a tweet he posted on May 30, 2024. However, a recent report suggests that Donald Trump has shown interest in including the Tesla and SpaceX CEO in an advisory capacity in the White House for his possible second term. The relationship between Trump and Musk has been tumultuous, but the report indicates that they could be a good match for Trump’s potential second term.

The report claims that Trump has expressed interest in bringing Musk on board and integrating him more deeply into border security and economic policy. The initial coverage of this potential meeting was reported shortly after it happened by *The New York Times*. Musk, in response, clarified that he had not donated money to either candidate for the US Presidency.

Additionally, Musk was reportedly involved in discussions during a dinner in Los Angeles in early April with figures such as Peter Thiel, Rupert Murdoch, and former Trump Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. The report suggests that Musk could potentially lead Trump’s U.S. Space Force, which was established during the first term of the presidency. If this were to happen, it would constitute a significant expansion of Musk’s responsibilities.

Multiple sources have corroborated the original coverage of the potential meeting, indicating a serious consideration of adding Musk to the White House team.

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