Tesla Commences $3.6 Billion Giga Nevada Expansion for Semi and 4680 Cell

The project is set to have a significant impact on employment and production. It is expected to add 6,500 new full-time employees and have the capacity to produce enough 4680 cells to supply 2 million light-duty vehicles annually. In order to support the project, Tesla has been in the process of obtaining permits and negotiating tax breaks. So far, they have received $330 million in tax breaks.

Recently, Tesla has made progress on the project. They have finally broken ground on the construction, as confirmed by drone footage from Zanegler. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on Wednesday, January 17. This ceremony was specifically for the separate high-volume semi production building, further confirming recent speculation.

As the construction progresses, suppliers like Panasonic are expected to begin producing the necessary cells. This indicates that the project is moving forward and inching closer to its completion. This development is exciting news for Tesla and the electric vehicle industry as a whole.

If you have any comments, concerns, or questions about this project, you can reach out to Joey at [email protected]. He is also available on Twitter @KlenderJoey. For any news tips, please email [email protected].

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