Tesla Cybertruck police cruiser deployed in Greenfield, California

The Greenfield Police Department in California has unveiled its new Tesla Cybertruck cruiser, which will be joining the department’s existing Model Y fleet. The department expressed excitement about this addition, sharing a preview of the futuristic Tesla Cybertruck prototype, complete with lights and sirens, visiting the city. In addition to the innovative design, the police department highlighted the environmental benefits of going electric, emphasizing the reduction of pollution and the estimated annual saving of $15,000 in gas costs for the city. Rosenberg Police inquired with Elon Musk about the potential of the Cybertruck as a replacement for their older units, to which Musk responded with a resounding “100.”

In May, Unplugged Performance also teased a Tesla Cybertruck cruiser equipped with its UP.Fit police kit. The customized police cruiser boasts essential modern technologies such as sirens, a PA loudspeaker system, and upgraded radio and computer systems, meeting the requirements of contemporary law enforcement vehicles.

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